Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Everything Is Possible

Example, Ryan and Aaron only get sales of about $17,000 in the first year but they put more effort on their business ND start to double their sales each year and eventually reach an amount of $1 5 million a year. Although they gain a lot of profit through the large amount of sales, but they bravely plow most of the money back to the firm so that the profit of the firm can grow dramatically in a short time. This shows that we need to be brave to face the risk so that we can get a better result in our business.Before Ryan and Aaron start their business, they set a goal for themselves which is to help small businesses to compete with large businesses by having an inexpensive way which is by rumoring online. The above shows that we need to set a goal first before start working on something so that we won't confuse when we are middle of our working. Ryan and Aaron also realized the American economy and made good use of the internet and other technology. It will be hard if we don't underst and the economy of our working area.It will be more easily to start a business when we understand the economy of our working area. Not only that, if we made good use of the internet and the technology around us, we will be able to minimize our work and maximize the result. Lastly, Ryan and Aaron hire smart people and train them well to work with them so that they can handle a diverse customer base. This show that we needs to hire not only good but also smart employees so that we can higher our profit and lower our expenditure.Answer for question 2 Stakeholders of ‘Contact are people and groups affected by, or that can effect an organizations operations, policies, and decisions of [Contact. To balance the need of the stakeholders, we need to prioritize business and stakeholders needs. In order to feel like the company is still yours without offending or losing big stakeholders that intricate money to keep your company in business you need to take a moment and prioritize busines s needs and stakeholders' needs.This means that we have to capture business processes and link them to projects software and capabilities. We will also need to modify our procrastination as our understanding of the application an s Keener needs change. We need to take Into consideration ten customer needs as well by involving them in the project. Center development activities around stakeholder needs are also one of the ways to balance the need of the stakeholders. By leveraging certain developments or user center designs we can accept the fact that stakeholder needs will change over time.As our business changes so will the needs of the stakeholders and we will also need to meet their changing needs. The most important way is to understand available assets. By understanding what assets are available to the business we can also balance asset reuse with stakeholders needs. Some examples of business assets would be legacy applications, reusable components, etc. Answer for question 3 Th e two entrepreneurs most impressed me is that we are almost the same age when hey starts their business.By their age, I'm still studying but they already started their own business and started to earn money by themselves. They are also very brave to face the risk. As we know, they plowed most of the money back to the firm so that the firm can grow dramatically over time which shows that they are very brave to face the risk. They seem very different from the typical college student. Usually, a typical college student Just represents certain subject or society in the college, but they starts they own business which is no relation with the college.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Philippine Independent film Essay

Background of the Study Since today is a fast changing world and that media are a big influence to what the society is now, Philippines has no escape to this impact. As a matter of fact, Philippines is one of the countries most influenced by media. From the latest trends of fashion down to which dish washing being used is based on what is seen and heard from different mediums. The media either as forums in which important issues are debated or as storytellers that carry beliefs and values across people, space, and time are central to the creation and maintenance of our various cultures (Baran, 2012). The audiences can take an active role in shaping the culture in the mass communication process that at the same time, shapes them. Media, particularly television are used by media practitioners and media audiences for mass communication purposes to further important social, political, or cultural bases. Television is one of the most used medium today. Watching movies is the cheapest form of entertainment for th e Filipino masses. It affects and echoes what the society is now. From teleseryes to  advertisements, the television has this impact to the viewer’s mind consciously and unconsciously. Thus, giving the media the responsibility to offer the audience ethical and valuable information. A film acts as a medium of communication in the form of language, by means of signs which are used to express the inner reality of movie makers. These are certain values contributed or communicated by movies and they are either beneficial or harmful to the total development of viewers (Maligalig, 1997). Mass Media is one of those factors that affect a person’s value formation among themselves, particularly among the youth. Since Filipinos are fond of entertainment and the television itself, we are easily moved by the fast growing industry. Along with this fast growing industry is the much wider acceptance of audience to the messages conveyed by media. According to Rodman (2006) people become increasingly dependent on media and media content to understand what is going on around them, to learn how to act meaningfully, and to escape. Read more:  Philippine Cinema Analysis Today’s generation, the most current subject is the social and political status of the country, may it be a trend in social media about issues such as sexuality and whether it may be posted as positive or negative. Along with this growing film industries is the freedom of expression to which the Philippine independent film is known. In accordance to this freedom of expression the local film industry has the sky as their limit to whatever they are to portray in their works. Philippine cinema, in short, appears to have reached full circle: it is at the stage of refining and formulating its own conventions and, in the process, getting in close contact with the ferment in the other arts and at the same time, the serious critical attention and concern of people with a broader interest in culture. This is inevitable; as an art form the cinema in the Philippines can no longer remain isolated from the main current of sensibilities and ideas that shape other artistic forms, such as lit erature, painting, the theater, etc. Neither can it fly from the actuality of social life which, after all, is the source of all artistic expression (Daroy, 2014). Philippine independent films being independent to the messages they want the audience to convey must be aware of how they portray their subjects, particularly political and social issues. This is probably the most sensitive topics that the country is facing for many years and in line with this, media are a big contributor to how the people perceive this kind of  medium. In today’s media, movies and films are very well thought and planned that it is not impossible for them to enter the minds of the viewers. It somehow affects and changes their own perceptions about things, may it be positively or negatively. But another concern is how well the viewers are aware of this kind of issues. They can easily take in messages sent by movies or films but cannot filter which is to enter and which is not. As an art form, film reflects the culture and the beliefs of the people it caters to and most of the times is the one who shapes their consciousness (Daroy, 2014). The Philippines is a palimpsest where traditional, modern and postmodern influences manifest themselves contemporaneously. Its politics is traditional, its culture modern and its media postmodern. Understanding the role of new technologies, such as digital media, under circumstances requires an appreciation of incommensurable factors that are nevertheless intercalated. The surface of Philippine politics appears imperturbable but underneath it, notions of the political are being reformulated as a consequence of the new media and its globalizing influence (Pertierra, 2012). As a communication student, the researcher would want to gain more knowledge about the Filipino’s level of awareness to independent films. Whether it mirrors the reality and situations that is happening around or is it just another mere entertainment for them. Indie films as what it is usually called, tackle real life sensitive issues that the society experience. Most commonly they are known for bold exposures of reality. Revealing the truth and setting no boundaries, making it as realistic as it can. But as generation changes so does the film industry. Nowadays, we are inside the mainstream era wherein almost everything in televisions are for trends. On making films that either feeds intellectual hunger or satisfies escapist entertainment lies a very curious and questioning fascination of how Filipinos and the human beings in general relate to each other and to the world. Due to an intellectual hunger that needs to be fed, Philippine independent films confronts real life issues that the society experience while mainstream movies offer the mass market escapist entertainment which divert away from reality (, pg. 1). In this generation where indie film is being widely accepted, produced and even nominated in some known film festivals  and gain v arious awards, the researcher considered that it is timely to make a study of Philippine independent film and how it is used as a medium in portraying the country’s political and social issues. Statement of the Problem This study aims to find out the nature of Philippine independent films, how they feature the country’s political and social issues and how they affect the viewers. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: a. sex? b. age? c. religion? d. nationality? e. civil status? f. educational attainment? g. profession? 2. What is the level of exposure of the respondents when it comes to Philippine indie films? 3. What political and social issues are portrayed in Philippine Independent Films? 4. What is the level of effectiveness of Philippine independent films as: a) watchdog? b) forum for exchange of opinions? c) teacher? Significance of the Study Since indie films are racing up to the top and is now more appreciated by the audience, this study would benefit most Filipino viewers. Since it aims to tackle the social and political awareness of Filipinos on what they perceive from Philippine independent films. It can give them consciousness that what is portrayed in televisions are true or not. Give them evaluations to how they will filter the freedom of expression through films and awareness to their contribution to the society’s issues. Specifically, people behind the media can benefit from this study. Since they are a great impact and influence to the viewers. Their awareness and ethical values to how they affect the audience with their works whether it is proficient and  educational or just another form of entertainment that allows the people to escape the real problems of life. Also, this study would also benefit communication students that will give them awareness that they are big contributors in shaping the society. And that it all depends in their ethical values and ability to deliver efficient films or mediums to the people. To the local mass media which are mostly the audience of this films. For their awareness of the importance and out-turn of such mediums and their contribution to social and political awareness. Scope and Limitations The study focuses on the Philippines political and social issues as portrayed in indie films and as perceived by the audience. The researcher will use four Indie movies which are randomly selected by the researcher. The researcher will conduct a film review for the respondents and will be conducting a survey based on the film the respondents watched. Though this study focuses on the social and political issues portrayed by Indie Films, it also aims to study other aspects indie film features concerning the country’s culture in the film industry to give further and broader knowledge about the Philippine indie film. The study’s locale is the Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation in Lucena City. The respondents of the study are students enrolled in Art Appreciation class, Sociology class, Ethics class, Society and Culture class and professors from the College of Arts and Sciences who are advisers of the chosen classes. Theoretical Framework The attitude change theory is adapted from psychology. Mass Communication theorists adapt these borrowed theories to questions and issues in communication. People’s behavior with regard to issues more important— democracy, ethnicity, government, and gender roles, for example is influenced by the attitudes and perceptions presented by our mass media (Baran, 2012). In respect to this theory, mass media being highly influential has a great impact to how the audience will see and understand messages delivered in Indie Films. Meanwhile the magic bullet theory, from the name itself ‘bullet’  conceptualizes on the idea that, whatever the media portrays it is easily accepted by the audience. Like a bullet that easily strikes. So, in this case whatever idea it is delivered in a social and political indie film, it is no surprise that the viewer might have a sudden change of perception towards his own. On the other hand, cultural theory has the underlying assumption that our experience of reality is an ongoing, social construction, not something that is only sent, delivered, or otherwise transmitted to a docile public†¦ Audience members don’t just passively take and store bits of information in mental filing cabinets, they actively process this information, reshape it, and store only what serves culturally defined needs (Baran, 2012). Audiences still filter what they hear and see in films. Issues being tackled in Indie movies are relatively events happening in the real world. So, it depends on the viewer whether it is the truth for him or not. Dependency theory argues that especially in our complex and changing society, people become increasingly dependent on media and media content to understand what is going on around them, to learn how to behave meaningfully, and for escape (Baran, 2012). So, Indie films features the culture particularly the social and political aspect of the country, and becomes a way to inform people about the issues being compromised. Related to this is the agenda setting, a theory that argues that media may not tell us what to think, but media certainly tell us what to think about. Television is an effective medium where the message is left for the audience to think about, unconsciously affecting the way they perceive things. This falls to cultivation theory which states that television viewing can have long-term effects that gradually affect the audience. Their primary focus falls on the effect of viewing in the attitudes of the viewer as opposed to created behavior. Media, movies in particular has that certain power to cultivate us with the messages they bring. Cultivation theory as the idea that television constructs a version of the world that, despite its potential inaccuracies, becomes the accepted reality simply because the culture believes it to be true. Similar to this is social-learning theory which tells that people can learn new ideas and behavior from watching other  people. Though actions are learned and seen on television, we cannot keep the viewers from adapting the culture of the characters in movies. Showcasing new ways of talking, dressing, socializing etc. which are different from the culture that the viewers were accustomed to. For example is the way Filipinos are today, generally the teens in their way of socializing and being liberated which is adopted from American films. Conceptual Framework Mass Communication theories such as attitude change theory, magic bullet theory, cultural theory, dependency theory and agenda setting theory. All theories that explains the role of mass media in cultivating and affecting the audiences, the families and individuals. Yet, it is hard to measure the level of influence social media has given the viewers’ when it comes to social and political issues that is conveyed in indie films. Philippine independent film is part of the mass media which cultivates and transform the way people see and perceives the social and political aspects, which can be considered as the most controversial issues today. People respond differently to films depending upon their gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and personal background. Since this art form of sending messages is part of the social media and considering the mass communication theories, it can have comparative effects in social and political views and the method of their understanding and acceptance to this matter and how it happens. To further explain the background, the researcher prepared an illustration that will serve as the conceptual paradigm. Figure 1. Conceptual paradigm of the study. Definitions of Term The following terms are made for clarity and more understanding Aspect as used in the study, refers to a particular part or feature of a matter Awareness means the state of having knowledge of, understanding of, appreciation, recognition, perception, or familiarity with a particular matter (http://www. Culture means a refined understanding or appreciation of this (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003). Effectiveness means existing in fact, though not formally acknowledge as such (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003). Forum refers to meeting or medium for an exchange of views (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003). Impact is a marked effect or influence (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003). Indie film as used in this study is a film produced not belonging to a major record company Influence refers to the power or ability to affect someone’s beliefs or actions (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003). Knowledge refers to information and skills acquired through experience and education and awareness or familiarity of a fact or situation (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003). Political refers to the government or public affairs of a country (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003). Portrayal means a representation or act or process of depicting or portraying ( Sensitivity as used in the study refers to the sensitivity of a person towards a given matter Social relating to society (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003). Teacher as used in the study refers to a medium where knowledge or experience is acquired Watchdog refers to a person or a group that monitors the practices of companies providing a particular service or utility (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 2003). CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES AND LITERATURES This chapter will discuss related literatures and studies that will support the research. These studies will be contributions of information, facts and ideas regarding the Philippine independent films and how it perceives social and political issues in the country. RELATED LITERATURES Film is an artistic language which is expressed by means of images in motion, with or without sound ( Films have a historically determined form and structure that create meaning and they have a complex set of conventions to communicate meaning and make it accessible. We as viewers have helped create the structure and conventions of films by enjoying what we see on screen and wanting to see more of the same. Like all aspects of popular culture, films develop out of a curious kind of negotiation process, in which filmmakers attempt to understand what we want to see, and we let them know if they are right by buying tickets and renting videos (Kolker, 1999). There are many things in our lives that we don’t want to take seriously. Movies are one of them. We go to the movies to be entertained, scared, grossed out; to make out, spend time, have something to discuss afterward. But we don’t often want to think about movies as a serious part of our emotional or intellectual lives, or even treat them with the same intensity we use when we discuss sports or politics. Outside of a film study course we rarely hear other people engaged in a discussion of films that goes much deeper than plot or characters (Kolker, 1999). Film is not only entertainment but is part of industrial and political culture (Kolker, 1999).  All nations, our own included, understand the power of film and television to influence their people, to propagandize values and ideologies (Kolker, 1999). The unstable nature of the country is reflected in the film industry. The prospects of good films in the Philippines, according to Red, is very bleak. But he stresses, that there are encouraging signs. Whenever foreign film festivals come around, the low-budget films of alternative Filipino moviemakers are invariably invited. That fact is a clear sign, says Red, that good filmmaking has managed to endure – that in the general garbage heap of the Filipinos, a few worthy gems still manage to shine. Movies are a powerful force in Philippine society. Movies, more than just a source of entertainment, reflect a nation’s personality. On the silver screen takes shape all the hopes, dreams and fantasies of the common man: legends, love, the stuff of myths and make believe. Its heroes become larger than life, often attaining the stature of demigods. They are looked upon as  role models, serving as resources of inspiration ( In the constantly changing world of the Filipino film industry, film festivals have become windows through which the Philippines let the world see its screen images. It leaves a glimpse of ideas that tackles the issues of the country. Film making plays a major role in our industry right now, it leads into the development of the Filipino culture in terms of creativity and artistry. It may lead on reaching different people’s perspectives, and opens the mind of the people about what is really happening in the society. Indie films create a huge impact not only in the country but also internationally. It catches a lot of attention even without entering the mainstream, simply because the industry has elevated into a different level already. The writers evolve as well, gaining new ideas, different perspectives, and a lot more stories. Artistic form is best thought of relation to a perceiver, the human being who watches the play, reads the novel, listens to a piece of music, or view the film. Perception in all phases of life is an activity (Bordwell & Thompson, 2004). Movies are a powerful force in Philippine society. Movies, more than just a source of entertainment, reflect a nation’s personality. That is why it is all the more saddening to note the dismal state of our movie industry. Each week, we are confronted by a sordid parade of sex, violence, and asinine comedies ( To say that independent filmmaking has become the soul of Philippine cinema is no longer an exaggeration. For years, Filipino independent filmmakers like Kidlat Tahimik (Perfumed Nightmare, 1977), Raymond Red (Anino, 2001), and Brillante Mendoza (Kinatay, 2009) among many others have received critical acclaim worldwide. As film festivals, competitions and distribution channels such as Cinemalaya and Cinema One have motivated young maverick filmmakers in recent years, indie films have become synonymous to creative content and perspectives for many Filipinos today. Although the Philippine indie film industry has come a long way from its early developments in the Marcos era when realistic portrayal of Filipino society in the arts was not considered â€Å"beautiful† by the dictatorship, government support is still lacking to sufficiently help  indie filmmakers ( According to Bohn, Hieber and Unguraid (2000), along with sleep, work and school, mass communication consumption are the activities that dominate Americans’ lives and that it consumes about one-third of the average day The rise of Philippine Independent Films may have been a big step for inspiring Filipinos who wants to captivate their audience through what their perspective is when it comes to what is going on around them. On trivial escapism is by a very curious and questioning fascination of how we Filipinos and the human beings in general relate to each other and to the world. Whether they are about social commentary, political statement, psychological study, or keen insights into human relationships, all of these topics represent controversial subjects that are catered specifically to niche audiences and markets ( In the end, what distinguishes independent cinema is its priority for artistic endeavor (over financial gain, vis-à  -vis mainstream cinema) while still being accessible to the audience (vis-à  -vis alternative experimental cinema). Each filmmaker attempts to show his own story in an original way ( According to, there have been several issues on Philippine independent filmmaking that have become apparent especially after its emerge a few years ago. One of these is the prevalent theme of poverty that exoticizes, even exploits, Filipino poverty. As said by a local Indie writer, Paul Sta. Ana, that the main issue here is the intention of the filmmaker which, he admits, is hard to determine. The question is whether filmmakers are producing these films because they want to reveal Filipino reality or they seek the attention of international film festivals. He says that context is crucial not only in conceptualizing and presenting the  material of the film but also understanding the subject position of the filmmaker. RELATED STUDIES The first decade of the twenty-first century is, without a doubt, a turning point or Philippine cinema. The relations and dynamics of the nation and its cinema have changed dramatically in the face of the democratization of the medium. Digital technology has shifted the landscape of production, distribution, and consumption of films in the country and has ushered in a new revitalized wave not only of independent cinema but also of studio and mainstream production towards an encompassing national cinema (Tiongson, 2013). Our films not only manifest our ingenuity, passion and creativity as a person; they also reflect our sensibilities, aspirations, and hopes as a nation (Tiongson, 2013). Philippine movies plays a vital role in the society. It has the power to build or destroy the society and its people, because film is a very influential medium. Movies as a form of artistic expression draws the widest audience because this is a very affordable kind of entertainment. For two hours or more, one could have some time for fun and relaxation (Corazon, 1996). But quality entertainment seemed hard to achieve nowadays. The filmmakers’ standards and purposes have changed, same with the moviegoers. Those good old days of the movie industry were gone. Excellent films are rarely produced and exhibited in the country. Accountable for this were the moviegoers who settle for cheaply-made flicks, and of course, the producers who cater to the public’s wants and desires to be able to gain profit. Film as an art form can transform an individual, a society, a nation. However, we have to stress the real definition of art – that it is a construct. The theory, procedure, production, dissemination and function of art (film, painting, music, dance, theater, crafts, etc.) are created or produced by individuals who are formed by the influence that perpetrate a western-based knowledge about the world and realities (Durian, 2013). It is not so much the fact that the characteristics of a country’s cinema reflect the peculiarities of its society which accounts for this relationship, but  rather the longer and less obvious facts that the artistic and moral worth of movies as a popular medium ultimately corresponds to a society’s collective mentality (Maligalig, 1997). Movies in our national experience have been composed of Foreign and Local film production, and this is a dichotomy which exist to the present day. Whenever we talk about films, audiences must be the one to choose whether they go for foreign or local films. Since we are Filipinos, we should patronize our own Tagalog movies, although Western films has its influence to our local movies. â€Å"The content of the movies does not seem much to determine the responses made and that the movie provides a powerful stimulus to fantasy life† Wallans Simpson. â€Å"Movies influenced them in regard to manners, social relations, morals, vocations and self-improvement. Invitation seems to be the single factor most apparent in their responses. After viewing a film youth are inspire to try to be like the hero, or influence their action behavior and conduct† Fleege. The effects of a movie presumably depend on the learning of material presented to members of the audience, and intelligence related ability to learn, but also it is related to other factors determining the effects of a movie. The more intelligent would be expected to be b etter in seeing general implications of the material presented even where conclusions are not explicitly drawn by the movie (Maligalig, 1997). Movies reflects the natural elements of life. Sometimes it portrays the reality of life. Furthermore, it encourages us to witness the facts and to tackle our beliefs. The influence of the movie is not only through beliefs. The influence of the movie is not only through the eyes of the viewers but also to their whole personality. It may affect the attitudes and behavior of the viewers. The encouragement of the movie makers to the viewers to the messages to the movie makers becomes negative. Why? The purpose of the movie makers is to persuade the audience and the audience purpose is to be entertained. Whatever the message is, either positive or negative, the viewers must be the agent on how to react to it. The negative effects of movie brings the viewer’s more to action (Maligalig, 1997). Mass media are capable of affecting, influencing and changing our attitudes and behavior. Whatever message id presented to us is said to have a powerful success that may either be negative or p ositive depending on how it is presented and how we are going to react to it (Maligalig, 1997) Movies, films and cinema were  aspects of art. Movies become an even more powerful medium for entertainment and the transmission of ideas, it projects reality and the illusions of reality on theatre scenes, in TV sets in millions of homes, in schools, classroom and in building walls in isolated villages (Maligalig, 1997). Viewers and moviegoers are those people who go for watching films and movies. However, they classify as the receiver and the destination whatever the message is. Whenever we talk about messages, it creates knowledge and information which will become the receiver’s thinking and how to react to it (Maligalig, 1997). Under this condition, the viewers will not be benefited and will emerge as losers in the end. Why? The producers will continue making money with their low budgeted and cheaply made flicks. Not to mention the negative effects entailed by these types of films to the viewers. Hence, the moviegoers should rise from their long sleep and demand for more quality pictures. Through this, we can help bring back those days of the Philippine cinema (Mendoza, 1996). CHAPTER III METHODS AND PROCEDURES This chapter tackles about the techniques and procedures that will be used by the researcher in coming up with the study. It includes the research design, research locale, respondents, sampling procedure, research instrument, data gathering procedure, statistical treatment and the analytical framework. Research Design In this study, the researcher used a quantitative approach. Specifically, a reception analysis which aims to identify the aspect, and system of communication Philippine independent film has that dominates Filipinos when it comes to their perspective in political and social issues and how this films deliver their messages. Related literatures and studies will be analyzed in order to support and provide more information to the answers provided by the respondents together with the summarized findings of the questionnaire. Research Locale The study will be conducted in Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation because of its proximity and the availability of the necessary data. The researcher chose the locale because of the respondents’ abilities in answering the given questions. In order to get different perceptions coming from people from different backgrounds and culture the researcher would be conducting the survey to five different classes specifically; Art Appreciation, Society and Culture w/ FP, STD, HIV &ADIS, Socio-Anthropology, Philippine Literature and Ethics. Respondents The respondents of the study would be coming from several classes. Particularly Art Appreciation classes, Socio-Anthropology class, Society and Culture, and Ethics classes. Professors from this classes would also be given a questionnaire, believing that they have more experience and wider point of view and knowledge about the political and social issues in the Philippines and they would have more proficiency when it comes in interpreting Indie Films. The five classes were chosen in order to have answers coming from students with somewhat relevant curriculum which we can relate in understanding films, specifically Philippine indie film. And get different point of views as well from students from different backgrounds and have different attitudes. Sampling Procedure The sampling design used by the researcher is purposive sampling and random sampling. The purposive sampling is used to gather different perceptions regarding the study, this goes for the students from the different classes and the professors. And the random sampling would be used for the Mass communication students and Psychology students in order to have comparisons between the respondent’s reactions. This design is also used so that there would be a balance answer coming from those who study and familiarizes themselves with films and its effects on viewers and those who does not. Research Instrument The researcher will use a questionnaire in order to supply necessary information to complete the study. In order for the researcher to conduct an  interview and survey, the researcher will conduct a film review for the four (4) chosen classes. Aside from the questionnaires and copies of indie films, conclusions from different materials regarding Philippine independent film and articles about the country’s political and social issues will also be used in order to support the study. The researcher will also put her personal conclusion in addition of the study. Data Gathering Procedures The researcher gathered materials and information from books, internet sites, articles and related studies for further issues. Articles and related literatures will be analyzed in order to support the study. It is also used to widen the ideas and add knowledge for the study. Questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents to get perceptions. Later on, the researcher will analyze the gathered data and will interpret the information. The summary will be from the outcomes of the gathered materials information and from the interpretation made from the questionnaires. Statistical Treatment There will be two procedures in formulating the gathered data. The gathered data will be tallied and tabulated through the use of the following formula: This formula will be used for the demographic profile and in formulating the survey. 1. Percentage P=_f_ x 100 N where: P=percentage f=frequency/number of responses n=total number of respondents 2. Weighted Mean WM=∑fw N where: WM=weighted mean ∑fw=sum of the product of the frequency and the weight N=number of respondents REFERENCES (2013, 01). Level of Awareness on Philippine Independent Retrieved 01, 2013, from (2013, 09). Philippine Cinemas in the 90s. Retrieved 09, 2013, from (2012, 07). Philippine Independent Films Versus Mainstream Movies: Intellectual Hunger or Escapist Entertainment?. Retrieved 07, 2012, from (2013, 07). Philippine Independent Cinema. Retrieved 07, 2013, from 2010, 12). Truthness in and of Filipino Independent Films: a Gadamerian Hermeneutical Approach. Retrieved 12, 2010, from (2012, 08). E xpectations on Independent Films. Retrieved 08, 2012, from (2012, 07). Film. Retrieved 07, 2012, from (2013, 03). Sigwa. Retrieved 03, 2013, from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Internal Pressure Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internal Pressure - Lab Report Example We will do this by graphing experimental results versus theoretical calculations. We will take into account the error of the measuring system. We will also investigate the role gauge factor, Young's Modulus, and Poisson's ratio play in the effects on strain with pressure. Finally, we will project the outcome of the experiment on the cylinder as the pressure increases to some unknown large finite threshold. If one were to think of this as in a cylindrical coordinate system, the longitudinal strain would be that acting in the Z direction whereas the cirucumferential (otherwise known as the tangential or lateral) strain would be acting in the direction of theta and not radially. both ends eliminating any longitudinal stress or strain. Our case consists of the second case of a thin cylinder with closed ends. In a thin cylinder with closed ends, longitudinal stresses and strains exist, and both circumferential and longitudinal strains depend on both stresses respectively. The use of a hand pump allows one to make step measurements of strain at each increment of pressure provided by the hand pump. Each step measurement has a corresponding data point in the table of results. A bourdon gauge is used because it has a tube you can insert inside the cylinder that has the capacity to expand with increasing pressure. The gauge measures the change in its own resistance delta R, and this delta R measured is directly proportional to the respective strain as well as the original resistance R. The gauge factor is a constant of proportionality between the strain and R, and delta R. The gauge factor of 2.06 is a very typical value for gauge factors. Annealed aluminium is a somewhat ductile or soft metal. Using annealed aluminium is responsible for a somewhat low value of the Young's modulus. The Young's modulus of a substance is a measure of the stiffness of that material. The lower E is, the higher the strains will be. Therefore annealed aluminium results in larger strains making it easier to detect and record the measured strain. Once strain is determined its value can be

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Kosovo is Albania Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Kosovo is Albania - Thesis Example Kosovo was the core of Yugoslavia and southern region of Serbia. It is true that being an independent country, people of different ethnic groups used to live in Kosovo. According to several criticisms of the historians, it can be stated that the largest ethnic group in Kosovo that are generally identified are the Albanians. There is huge controversy among the historians regarding the ethnic identity of Kosovo. This particular essay will discuss in favor of following thesis statement. Before going into the controversial debate, it is highly important for the readers to determine and understand the history. â€Å"Albanians can be considered as the largest ethnic group in Kosovo†. This particular community can be called as Kosovan or Kosovo Albanians or Kosovar. According to the Yugoslav census in the 1991, there were more than 80 percent Albanians used to live in Kosovo. However, this particular census had been boycotted by the Albanians due to several reasons. â€Å"It has been mentioned earlier that Kosovo got independence in the year 2008†. Since medieval period several Albanians used to live in Kosovo. It is true that, slowly and gradually several Albanians started to shift in Kosovo way before First World War. â€Å"In addition to this, when the Serbs used to expel major number of Albanians, then these Albanians started to settle in Kosovo during the year 1878† (Vickers, 2001). Moreover, these Albanians were recognized as the muhaxher. In addition to this, in the year 1912 during the war of Balkans in this First World War era, maximum of the Eastern Kosovo part was captured by the strong Kingdom of Serbia. â€Å"On the other hand, western part of the Kosovo was captured by the strong Kingdom of Montenegro† (Clark, 2000). However, as a result the Colonist Serb families started to move into Kosovo. Therefore, the percentage of Albanian population used to decrease significantly in Kosovo. â€Å"More than 10 percent

Saturday, July 27, 2019

I will tell you later Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

I will tell you later - Essay Example Concrete understanding of historical perspective is imperative to have concise idea about the development and radical changes in the environment.1 The happening of various events has led to the transformation of environment. The continuing worldly developments have positive and negative aspects too- destruction of environment is one of it.2 The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the reasons of environmental changes over time. Exemplify core problems, desertification, exploitation of fossil fuel and environmental relationship between past centuries and now days. The ideas of historians and scholars of the respective field have been gathered to argue on this important topic. Critical analysis has been also done for precise understanding. Bottom line remains to explore the crux of changes happened in the environment over time. Core Reasons There are several pragmatic constituents that accumulate to become the core reasons of the environmental changes. It includes desertification, s olar variation, volcanism, resource depletion, deforestation, waste disposal, changes in Earth’s orbit around sun and the exploitation of fossil fuels. ... The damages in ozone layers can lead to disastrous circumstances because it makes sure that only pure light and rays enter into the world.4 According to the American Society of Environment History, the changes brought in the environment by the time are not positive. Mostly negative relationship is determined. This is mainly due to the association of humans with the natural settings. The discussion on the reasons of environment changes is extravagant as it argues about various aspects and issues. For instance the issue of deforesting is on the table of discussion for years. Environment will not remain suitable for human beings living if deforestation takes place gradually. Adequate measures need to be taken to stop this notion. The core reason of harming natural environment is generally due to the soiled acts of human beings. People have damaged earth in various dimensions for personal benefits. International world protection organizations have taken several steps to reduce these issu es but few individuals continue illegitimate acts that have damaged different dimensions of the environment. Implementing strict laws is imperative and need of time now. 5 Environmental Problems There are several environmental problems that need to be addressed. Industrial agriculture and waste disposal is one of the primary ones. It has been observed that in developing or under developed countries; there is no proper mechanism of waste disposal. Due to the absence of waste disposal system problems occur for the environment. The impacts calculated from this mechanism are majorly of two types. At first different diseases surface ground because the waste has been disposed off at various locations. Secondly natural soil and the surroundings are affected. Problems in the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Macro12C Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Macro12C - Essay Example The unemployment rate reached a minimum of 5.5% from 7.5% at the start of term of President Reagan. The real median income for families increased to nearly $41,000 at the end of term; this was significantly higher than 10 years before and 10 years after President Reagan’s term. Inflation touched a minimum of 2% in 1986 and ended at 5% in 1989 compared to 11% at start of term in 1981. The growth of government spending was 1% during president Reagan’s term compared to 3.5% before him and 4.5% after him. Real income tax revenues increased by 16.3% even after top income tax rate had been reduced from 70% to 50% in 1983 and to 28% in 1986. The nominal federal revenues increased from $517 billion in 1981 to $1.031 trillion in 1989. On the downside, however, Reaganomics was used when US was at peace at the time, yet the national debt increased from 26.3% of GDP in 1981 to 42.3% in 1989. Secondly, the savings rate fell from 8% to 6.5% during president Reagan’s term as a result of his economic policies. Thirdly, the rich got even richer and the poor got even poorer. Reaganomics largely believed that if more wealth was given to the rich, they would re-invest this money, which did not really happen. Given the positive and the negative outcomes of Reaganomics, it can be said that while Reaganomics did work well for the years it was in force, it wasn’t a very sustainable economic policy as it relied mainly on increasing national debt to cover for the economic growth. Q2: Show graphically the effects on macro economy of a sharp rise in OPEC oil prices in a. the short run. b. the long run. How do you account for the differences in your answers to parts a and b? A sharp increase in OPEC oil prices occurs due to a supply shock that is a sudden drop in supply of oil. Below figures show its effects in the short and long-run. Short-run effect of a sharp increase in oil price is illustrated in figure 1 below: Figure 1. Short-run effect of Sharp increase in oil prices In the short-run, the supply shock causes price levels to increase due to inflation caused by high oil prices not only on oil dependant industries but also on transportation of goods and services. This leads to a drop in total output as well as price levels have increased but the wages have not in the short-run – leading to stagflation. Thus, the short-run effect is an increase in price levels and a decrease in total output. Figure 2. Long-run effect of a sharp increase in oil prices Due to increase in inflation in the short-run, unemployment starts to increase. Wages start to decrease. This leads companies to start hiring people. Also, the short-run effects bring about economic policy changes by the governments that are targeted to increase the output and to reduce inflation – which could be an increased government spending and/or decrease in interest rate. As the inflation comes under control, the real wages start to increase. This leads to an increase in demand in the long-run and the net effect is that

John Lockes and Aristotles Understanding of Moral Life Essay

John Lockes and Aristotles Understanding of Moral Life - Essay Example Similarities and differences between John Locke and Aristotle’s understanding of moral life and model of governance While both thinkers focus on extralegal action, their intention is deepen mankind’s understanding of the competing to political theory. According to the Lockean view, self-preservation, liberties and estates causes men to support the legitimacy of government. On the other hand, Aristotle suggests that, the wants and interests of mankind must be secured, for political life to exist. However, Aristotle also explains that every regime aims for a common good and exist for the sake of living well. On another note, Locke reiterates that, human organizations exist in a state of nature where they have different ends, ties and bound (Maloy, 2009). This position is similar to Aristotle’s; however, he does not distinguish what is social or political. Aristotle considers social organizations to be part of the political community. Further, Aristotle asserts that men cannot live without the polis or government. Aristotle considers political association to be the most sovereign. Furt her, he views politics as part and parcel of human life. Politics according to Aristotle plays a role in fulfilling all aspects of human needs (Edmundson, 2013). Conversely, Locke differentiates social and political and suggests that while men are social by nature, their politics is not guided by nature. Locke further states that government is also not natural and its role is limited when it comes to serving human interests.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Systems anlysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Systems anlysis - Essay Example This paper is divided into two sections. In the first section it discusses about point of sale systems and second section presents an analysis of a communication system. For this paper, I have chosen mobile communication system, which are increasingly used in every walk of life. Part1: Point of Sale (POS) Systems Point of Sale (or simply POS) system is widely used in retail shops or stores, normally placed at the checkout/cashier counter in the store, or a place where such transactions can take place in this type of environment. Basically, traditional cash registers are replaced with a computerized POS terminal. However, it is a great deal more complex than the cash registers for the reason that the POS system can have the capability to keep track of orders placed by the customers, carry out transactions via debit and credit cards. At the present, point of sale systems have the capability to connect to other systems in a network, and are widely used to deal with inventory. Normally, a point of sale system is based on a personal computer, which encompasses I/O devices and application-specific programs for the specific surroundings in which it will work. Additionally, there are a wide variety of POS systems which are used in different environments. The functionality and processed included with a POS system depends on the nature and functionality of the business. For instance, a point of sale system for a restaurant should contain a list of all menu items which are stored in a database. In addition, this database will be used by the POS system operator to query for information in many ways. In fact, a large number of business organizations and industries use POS terminals that have a point of sale for instance a help desk, comprising lodging, restaurants, museums, and entertainment. In the past few years there have been huge developments in the field of information technology. As the Internet is increasingly used in every walk of life in the same way, point of sal e terminals is now supported through the Internet, which provide an excellent support for remote training and operations management, and keeps track of inventory all through geographically-dispersed locations (Rouse, 2011; POSmatic, Inc., 2013). In addition, POS terminals can be applied to physical POS software and hardware comprising however not limited to touchscreen display, electronic cash register systems, barcode scanners, scales, receipt printers and pole displays. As discussed above, POS systems offer a large number of advantages for all the businesses and industries. The uses and applications of POS systems vary from business to business. Different organizations use different POS systems. In fact, at the present POS systems are used in a large number of different organizations and industries varying from hotels, restaurants and hospitality businesses, casinos, nail/beauty salons, stadiums, and the most important area of its implementation is the retail environments. In simp le words, if something can be traded for financial rate a POS System can be utilized (POSmatic, Inc., 2013; Rouse, 2011). An organization can get a number of advantages of POS systems. Some of the major advantages of POS systems are outlined below: Decrease Shrinkage: In view of the fact that inventory rates and quantities can be maintained in a synchronized manner, hence getting an understanding of shrinkage becomes trouble free. In addition, today’s point of sale systems encompasses a wide variety of functions regarding inventory and receiving. In fact, if

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Paper for class MIS 2100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paper for class MIS 2100 - Essay Example Having qualified personnel who can utilize information systems is critical to the success and growth of an organization. As a student, I have realized how important it is for me to learn about these systems in order to guarantee success in the future business career. Secondly, prior to taking this class, I simply viewed business systems as tools used in businesses for daily operations. However, after taking this class, I have learnt that information systems are a major source of competitive advantage, especially in the current business environment. I have learnt that information systems help businesses reduce the cost of doing business, and this ensures that products and services are offered at a lower cost. Through information systems, businesses can be innovative and come up with new products and services that satisfy the needs of the market better and efficiently. Overall, by taking this class, I have learnt not only how to use information systems to carry out daily business activ ities but also use them to set the business ahead of the rest in the market. Finally, the MIS 2100 class has enabled me understand the ethical and social issues raised by information systems. By using technology to carry out business activities, organizations expose themselves to a great risk which may affect their operations and their relationship with the society. For instance, information systems pose major challenges on people’s privacy since personal information is exchanged through different computer systems before arriving at the final destination. Through this process, private information may be leaked to unauthorized parties, and this may lead to serious ethical problems. Through this class, I have learnt how to use such systems responsibly in order to avoid some of these ethical and social challenges. By taking this class, I have leant that although technology is beneficial to the business, it can cause serious problems if not well used. This might comprise the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Female Discrimination in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Female Discrimination in the Workplace - Essay Example It is certainly unethical to discriminate workers based on their gender. These include holding back promotions, giving them a different job title and preventing them from taking part in other work opportunities (Finn n.d.). Keeping the female worker in the team would result in better outcomes for the client as she is better suited to deal with the client’s assignment. Since the consulting firm KPMG itself discourages gender discrimination, this would allow talented individuals to come forward rather than inexperienced and incompetent individuals. By discouraging gender discrimination, there will be equal opportunities for both male and female workers based on their expertise resulting in enhancement of the company’s image. Legally as well, a woman possesses the right to complain to the Human Resource department of the firm regarding the discrimination. If the claim is found to be true then legal actions are taken against the offenders and this might lead to defamation o f the firm ruining its image in the business world. Removing the female worker from consideration might lead to demotivation of the worker. This might also result in low morale, low productivity and can also negatively impact the firm’s revenues. I will keep a watch or a countdown timer that would calculate the amount of time spent playing games or studying. Also, I will keep an Objectives Chart on which I will record the chapters I have completed successfully. I will write down whatever goals I have achieved regarding the topic or subject. Every time I will spend the designated amount of time playing games, which is one hour, I will reward myself by adding $3 to the reward fund that is to be spent at the end of each week. If I spend lesser time than one hour, I will add an additional $1 to the $3.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Anthology Poems Essay Example for Free

Anthology Poems Essay It is just filled with 5 poetic lines which we had to either do a free verse poem, poems without rhyming or patterns and that don‘t follow any rules, or a blank verse which is a poem that uses no rhyming but has iambic pentameters (patterns). Or you can do a rhyme verse which is a poem that uses rhyming. My poem is blank verse because even though I have no rhyming I have a pattern. You see I repeat the word â€Å"reason† a few times and it follow a pattern. Read ona The Room No matter how many times I tell him, He never cleans his room! On how dirty it is! His underwear is under the ____ Bed. His papers are on the __f_lo__o_r__. Last weeks sandwich is a M O L D Y Mess! Theirs something called â€Å"Clean up your room! † I say to him everyday! At last I punished him with a ban on T. V. That’s when the stink went away. Description This poem is a poem with a speaker. A speaker poem is a person that is talking in the poem. Sometimes the speaker can be the author itself talking in the poem. Other times it is a made up character. In this case, you can figure out that the speaker is the kids mother because she â€Å"banned him with no T. V. † until his room is cleaned up. (Now mothers will do that, just ask my mother. ) Read ona My Cat My cat is dumb! Let me tell you that! He’s the opposite of what a cat Should be! He hates mice, But loves dogs. He doesn’t like milk, But prefers meat. Now tell me, Is that how a cat should be? Description This poem by yours truly is a irony poem. Ever heard of that word? Irony in poetic terms means when a result of something is the complete opposite of what you would expect. For example, in my poem you wouldn’t expect a cat to be friends with dogs. I mean dogs and cats hate each other. Well at least that’s what we would expect. And for a cat to not like milk! Unbelievable, right? (Yea I know, I have a dumb cat. But it is ironic that my cat behaves the opposite of what cats should behave like. That is why this poem is a irony poem. Read ona I Love You Do you remember? All the fun times we had. Oh how you would laugh at my jokes. Oh I’d do anything To hear your lovely voice. Your voice makes me smile Even when I’m mad. So I wrote this poem, To tell you, That I love you! Description This poem is a theme poem. Yes you heard right. Theme. Theme is the main idea in a poem or the authors feelings/thoughts. In this poem the theme is love. This is easy to figure out because the poem just says right there that the person loves another person. Some times these poems can be in a shape. Like my poem is shaped kind of like a heart and the theme of it is love. Isn’t it sweet? Read ona Just A Kiss Silence walks upon the stone halls. As you sleep for a hundred years. Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer Visited you every year. Hoping to find you up and about. But just as they feared, Everything is weird- Sleeping Beauty has just premiered. But not before your sleep is evoked, Before you stands Charming himself. Thus, a kiss on the lips, Was all that was needed, To arouse you from your ancient sleep. Description This is another poem by me that is an allusion poem. Allusion in poetry terms means when a poem makes a reference to another poem. For example in my poem Just A Kiss the allusion is Sleeping Beauty sleeping for a hundred years until Prince Charming came to wake her from her deep sleep. I am alluding the story of Sleeping Beauty to my poem. Read ona I Wish I wish to drift into the darkness. Into the shadows of death. Slowly my grip loosens. I am trapped in an avalanche. This pain-its too much! I’m like snow trapped in the suns rays. Slowly and silently, I’ll rise, From this nightmare. Description This poem is a chance poem. Nothing big but we just had to pick 5 words from this list and use those words to make a poem. Read ona Moment Of Freedom The monsters in my head, They tell me I’m crazy. Maybe I am. These monsters, they yell and scream, Until I let them out. But they come back, they always do. These monsters they bring me crimson delight. Fresh crimson pleasure, trickling down my arm As the blade digs deeper, I find a moment of freedom. A moment where everything stops. Everything is peaceful. Everything is fine. But soon the monsters will come back. Then, no longer will I feel the pain. No longer will I feel crimson joy. Everything will be back to normal, With the monsters screaming, Until I let them out again. Description This poem is a poem with figurative language poem. Figurative language is a term in poetry when you compare two unlike things to make something clear. For example if I say the soap bubbles in the bath tub are like clouds in the sky, I am comparing the soap bubbles to the clouds, but the soap bubbles aren’t really clouds, right? In this poem I am comparing the suicide thoughts of the speaker to monsters. Read ona Nothing But The Best You’re my summer sun, And I’m your winter wind. No matter what mistakes I make, All the times I’ve yelled at you, You’re always there. Even when I’m fierce like the winter wind; Howling all the time, My nerves are calmed by your sunshine smile. You’re a treasure chest, Full of priceless gems. To me you’re nothing but the best. Description This poem is a poem of assonance/alliteration. Assonance is when you use repetition of the sound of a vowel. I don’t think I have tat but I do have alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of 2 or more words that end with the same sound or start with the same letter. For example in the poem I said â€Å"winter wind† both words have a â€Å"w† in the beginning. I also used â€Å"sunshine smile† which has a â€Å"s† in the beginning of each word. This is how my poem uses assonance/alliteration. Read ona The Monster Mama always said she loved me. But then why do I cry every time she came home? Why do I hide under the bed, Praying she didn’t come looking for me? Before daddy left, She told me I was her sweet little angel. So why does she tell me that she hates me? Why is it the she says I’m a nuisance? What did I do, To get black and blue, Bruises all over my body. Mama always told me, That the monster always haunts kids, Who lie and cheat and hit people. Then why did she lie to me when she told me, That daddy ran away, When she kicked him out of the house? And why did she cheat on daddy before he Went to another place? And why does she hit me with her whiskey bottle? Why does she love to see me cry When the glass cuts my skin? Mama knew what she did to me, But what she didn’t know was that the monster was, The only one that said it loved me. Description This poem is a poem on symbolism. Symbolism is the idea or topic of the poem. For example, the night is a symbol of death. Or in the poem I made the monster symbolizes the thoughts one would have after abuse. Read ona The End My past is finished, It’s all filled with pain. My past is killing me, ‘Cause I’m trapped in this lane. My mind is at war with me, I can’t control the thoughts deep inside me. I’m bent out of shape with all this pain, I think it’s time I’ve played life’s game. Before it’s time I ask myself, ‘Is this the end? Will there ever be a tomorrow? ’ Almost turning away, I turn right back, I decide there is nothing more for me, Only the end can set me†¦ Free†¦ Description This last poem is a free verse poem. Like I explained in the other poem called â€Å"Reason† I said that free verse poems are poems without rhyming or patterns and that don‘t follow any rules. And just like in this poem I did not follow any patterns. aSTOP? *NO MORE POEMS*

Prison Nursery Essay Example for Free

Prison Nursery Essay The authors describe prison nurseries as living arrangements within a correctional facility that allow incarcerated mothers to keep their infants (born during their incarceration) with them through all or part of their sentence. This article brings to question whether these women should be treated any differently than any other incarcerated women and who should pay for these programs. The authors note that this may be one of the most controversial debates surrounding the imprisonment of women. At the time of this study, the authors note that there are currently 8 states that provide prison nursery programs: California, Indiana, Illinois, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, South Dakota, and Washington. This is up from only 3 states in 1998 and notes that New York has had a prison nursery program since 1901. The authors illustrate studies that have shown that the recidivism rate among women who have been allowed to keep their children in prison nurseries is lower than that of other women. However, limited studies have been cited concerning the development of children born into and raised within a prison nursery program. The authors discuss the cost of prison nursery programs as being one major hurdle into starting and/or continuing these programs. Most nursery programs are segregated from the general prison population and are staffed with both civilian and correctional staff, allowing for public and private funding to be used. The authors’ note that a large percentage of the children in prison nursery programs would otherwise be cared for through public dollars whether it be within the foster care system or public assistance to the interim caregiver during the mother’ s incarceration so there seems to be little difference in the funding or use of funding in terms of child care. Through several studies the authors note the strict guidelines for eligibility for these programs, including type of crime, past history of abuse, and length of sentence. Each program has its on set of criteria and rules but the authors state that the idea behind the programs is the same wherever it is incorporated and that is to provide an opportunity for mother and child to succeed. The authors conclude that prison nurseries should be more widely available as the trend of women being incarcerated has continued to rise and no decline seems to be forthcoming. They note that studies into the long term effects on children born into prison nurseries is also needed as well as re-entry into society must be closely monitored and facilitated in order for true results to be determined.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Industrialisation pattern in Australia

Industrialisation pattern in Australia Much of the pattern of industrialisation in Australia was focused on unlocking the abundances of natural resources that lay in the country and using it to fuel an economic development. The pattern of industrialisation in many countries tends to begin with exploiting the inorganic sources of energy, which Australia had a certain amount of in coal. Secondly, the next requirement was for an extensive labour force which the post-war immigration programme supplied. Finally, it required a certain amount of infrastructure, which in a country as geographically vast as Australia proved to be a vital element. Following the Great Depression of the 1920s and the poor growth of the 1930s that culminated in the Second World War, the stage was set for Australia to create an economic boom that lasted through the 1960s and much of the 1970s. Japan emerged as the primary market for Australian exports, replacing Britain as the major market, and the stage seemed set for increased growth. However, as wil l be seen, the sustainability of this economic growth is in question and problems were only narrowly avoided by the development of service-led industries in the 1990s. Following the Second World War, new financial institutions were created in Australia to attempt to alleviate the troubles from before the 1940s. Before the First World War, the bulk of investment in Australia had come from private British Investors through specialised investment banks. However, by the 1930s, confidence had fallen and very little capital flowed into Australia leaving a dearth in investment. However, after 1945 the international price for primary products increased substantially setting the market-driven context for Australian growth. In 1945 Australia was not well integrated in the Asia-Pacific region, and this meant the country initially looked towards Britain and the USA in the first instance. However, after achieving independence in 1952, Japanese industrial output increased, as a result of it holding a significant amount of manufacturing capability as a result of its output during the war. This provided Australia with a significantly closer market for its raw mate rials and thus helped fuel the continued development of its mining and refining industries. International capital was at its highest, the population influx provided a burgeoning increase in the market and the stage appeared to be set for continued and sustained economic growth. The difficult with establishing the success of Australian economic growth tends to lie with the contrast of the enormous success of the initial years with the steady decline of later years. Not only did the real economic growth of Australia steadily decline, from 6.4% in 1950-4 to 2.6% in 1875-79, its share of World economic growth steadily declined in this period. Australias share of World Trade declined throughout this period from 2.8% in 1950 to 1.5% in 1972. This suggested that the foundation of the long boom was unsustainable in the long run. It has been argued that smaller countries need to rely heavily on a balance of trade, and Australia is the only small economy in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that is not a heavy trader and in fact is the third most closed economy. There was a decline in investment in Australian manufacturing in the late 1960s, and the share of total employment fell from 22.8% in 1974 to 17.8%. In the early 1990s, Austral ia experienced a recession with 11% unemployment. From the criteria that successful industrialisation should lay the foundation for sustained growth in the future, or at least relative sustained growth (i.e. increased growth relative to other countries), the Australian industrialisation has not been particularly successful. The reconstruction of the international economy following the 25 years after 1945 provided an important stimulus to economic growth that many nations took advantage of. Australia responded by undergoing a significant industrial revolution. However, it only held a relative advantage that gave it a great starting point. Increased migration, improved infrastructure and inflows of foreign development led to a vast increase in industrial output both in the supply of raw materials and in the creation of a manufacturing base in the country. However, the growth was not sustained and was reliant upon other countries sustaining their imports of Australian goods which was a poor foundation as was exposed after 1973. Nevertheless, Australia had created a secure welfare state, sustained an increased immigration policy and was able to adapt to the challenges with which it was presented. The growth in service industries in the 1990s lay upon the basis of a strong industrial base, and thus it can ha rdly be said that industrialisation was in any way a disaster. Therefore it can be concluded that Australia was relatively successful in industrialising between 1950 and 1973 it was not as successful as it could have been when viewed retrospectively, but it certainly made itself into an industrialised nation with great prospects for sustaining economic growth into the future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Friendship in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Essay examples -- Kit

Friendship in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Theme: Real Friendships are more than a stubborn act; they are actions that surround your soul in order to uncover the truth that you're seeking in a friend. Friendship, as understood here, is a distinctively personal relationship that is grounded in a concern on the part of each friend for the welfare of the other, for the other's sake, and that involves some degree of intimacy. As such, friendship is undoubtedly central to our lives, in part because the special concern we have for our friends must have a place within a broader set of concerns, including moral concerns, and in part because our friends can help shape who we are as persons. Given this centrality, important questions arise concerning the justification of friendship and, in this context, whether it is permissible to ?trade up? when someone new comes along, as well as concerning the possibility of reconciling the demands of friendship with the demands of morality in cases in which the two seem to conflict. In the novel, The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini explores the struggles that Amir faces that confront him on the path to manhood testing friendship. One of the highlights of their friendship is their competition in the kite fighting competitions that mark the start of winter in Kabul. Amir is a master kite fighter, and Hassan is a mysterious "kite runner? able to retrieve the fallen kites and bring them home as trophies. Amir and Hassan do wonderful things together like they are brothers, but still Amir tries to test Hassan?s loyalty all the time and still is afraid of accepting being Hassan?s true friend. ?Never Mind that we taught each other to ride a bicycle with no hands, or to bui... ...want to stay for a longer period of time with someone. But does this mean that we want to be friends with each other? Testing your friend?s loyalty in order to see how faithful they are is a fine idea, but when you get carried away it can cause negative feelings and possibly a loss of friendship. A real friend is not only a speaking mouth, but also a helping hand, and sometimes even a shoulder that you can depend on. A real friendship must be tested by a long period, sometimes for ten or more years. And of course, friendship can be promoted onto a higher level, such as love. If you both have love for each other, you will make good friendship. Amir?s ideal true friend was staring at him in the face all the time but it took a while for him to realize that Hassan was the one. Works Cited: Hosseini, Khaled. The Kite Runner. Canada: Random House, 2004.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Role of Genetics in Alzheimers Disease Essay -- Alzheimers Disea

The Role of Genetics in Alzheimer's Disease The call came at 9:05 p.m. on January 20, 2004. Mom had just finished telling the news about the girl's grandfather. He had Alzheimer's Disease and was not doing well at all. The ruling was that he probably would not make it through the night. She knew exactly what the news was the moment her mom said, "No." After the news came, the decision was made they would leave the next day to attend the funeral. This girl began wondering, "If grandpa had Alzheimer's do I have a chance of getting it too? What can I do to avoid getting it? He suffered so much, I don't want to go through that." What if a person's genetics have something to do with whether or not they will get Alzheimer's? What are possible ways to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease? Genetics might have something to do with whether or not one will get Alzheimer's but their chances of avoiding the disease are better if they take care of themselves. Let us start with some general history and facts and then proceed to the specifics. Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is named after a German doctor, Alois Alzheimer. He discovered the disease in 1906, while doing an autopsy on a woman who had died from an unusual mental illness. Dr. Alzheimer noted unique changes in the brain tissue (U.S 1995). His findings included clumps, which are also known as plaques, and tangled fibers, also called neurofibrillary tangles. These findings have become "hallmarks of AD" (U.S. 1995). AD is now considered the most common form of dementia (Travis). Researchers from New York State did autopsies on 87 people who were seen at a dementia clinic to find out if any of them showed signs of a cerebrovascular disease. They all did and 87% of them also ... ...1 December 2003). Alzheimer's in the Family. Time. P 86-87 National Institute of Aging. (2002). Alzheimer's Disease: Unraveling the Mystery. National Institute of Mental Health (1994). Alzheimer's Disease: Decade of the Brain. P. 12-13. National Institute of Health. Nolan KA, Lino MM, Seligmann AW, et al. (August 1998). Alzheimer's may play a Greater role in 'vascular' dementia. Geriatrics. V. 53 Issue 8, p81, 2p. Shenk, D. (2001). The Forgetting Alzheimer's: Portrait of an Epidemic. New York: Doubleday. Travis, J. (20 September, 2003). A Surprising Role For Alzheimer's Proteins? Science News. V.152, Issue 12, p182, 2p U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1995). Alzheimer's Disease. National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1997). Alzheimer's Disease Genetics. National Institutes of Health

Lake Tahoe and The Growing Importance for Environmental Preservation Es

Lake Tahoe, an enormous expanse of clear, blue, fresh water surrounded by meadows and dense forests and rimmed by snow-capped peaks, is one of the world's great scenic and ecological wonders. Tahoe's water is world famous for its amazing clarity. Even today, one can see objects 70 feet below the surface, a clarity matched almost nowhere in the world. The Tahoe Basin had a slowly evolving and essentially balanced environment for thousands of years, with surrounding forests, meadows and marshlands helping to maintain the clarity and purity of the lake. This pristine environment also provided habitat for great diversity of plants and wildlife. Hundreds of species of native plants thrived in forest, marsh, and meadow. But now, in scarcely a century, an equilibrium that endured for thousands of years is rapidly being lost due to environmental degredation and resource values are steadily deteriorating because of human activities. While there is an appearent lose of wildlife and environment that exists in The Lake Tahoe Basin, there is also an insurgance of environmental conservation that has become increasingly powerful in the attempt at stopping these adverse affects on the environment from happening in the hope that the beauty of Lake Tahoe will continue to exist for generations and generations more. The first major change in the environment came with the logging of the 1860s, when much of the basin's forest was clear-cut. The logging tapered off with the collapse of the mining boom, but not before most of the Tahoe's virgin forest was gone. By the 1920s, cars and better roads made Tahoe accessible to the ordinary visitor, and landholdings began to be subdivided for summer homes, especially along the southern and western portions of the basin. The urbanization of the Tahoe Basin remained a relatively slow process until the 1950s, when the opening of Highway 50 and the completion of Interstate 80 brought the San Francisco Bay area within a four-hour drive. Year-round access to the lake encouraged expansion, as modest clubs designed for seasonal business were transformed into towering casinos packed with visitors throughout the year. The new access in winter also attracted thousands to the basin's ski slopes, and in addition to this increase due to accessability, the 1960 Olympics were held in the Lake Tahoe Basin, at the Squaw Valley Ski Resort. This event crea... a healthy environment we must conserve the land that has remained untouched. For this reason, the TRPA organization and many other environmental protectionist groups of the Lake Tahoe Basin, support redevelopment as an alternative to new development, and we strongly believe all development should be contained within the existing urban boundaries. Redevelopment allows for many environmental improvements to be made. Bibliography League to Save Lake Tahoe, Lake Tahoe’s Annual Clarity Chart, South Lake Tahoe, California. Douglas Strong, Tahoe: An Environmental History. (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, c1984), pp 22-31. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, About TRPA: Mission Statement. Online. Available: Accessed: June 1, 2005. U.S. Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, Lake Tahoe Federal Advisory Committee. Online. Available: Accessed: June 1, 2005. U.S. Census Bureau. California Population of Counties by Decennial Census: 1900 to 1990. Online. Available: Accessed: June 1, 2005.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

High Schools in Australia and China Essay

High schools play an important role in teenager education. Each country pays high attention on it, so they try their best to improve the high school education system. Because of different cultures, high schools have many differences in various countries. For example, comparing high schools in Australia and China, there are several similarities and differences in three areas, including the teaching styles, the curriculum, and the time spent. First of all, the teaching styles in high schools between Australia and China have a similarity, but they have many differences. The similarity is that both Australian and Chinese teachers expect students to ask questions and contribute to discussions, and they ask students who break the rules to leave class and wait outside as a punishment. However, teaching styles in China and Australia have many differences. Chinese teachers stand in front of the classroom during the class, while the Australian teachers move around the room and sit on the tables. Moreover, sometimes Australian teachers have class outdoors. Whenever Chinese teachers call the students, they use the full name, but the Australian teachers use the first name. The students in Australian who have a various table arrangements sit more free than the Chinese students, for Chinese students usually sit in a steady desk arrangement. The main reason causing these differences is that Chinese classroom atmosphere is formal and strict; however, Australian atmosphere is relaxed and informal. On the other hand, the curriculum in China is completely different from Australian. One difference is that they have various subjects. The academic subjects in China are English, Chinese, and Math, although the Australian is English. Chinese students usually choose the English as the second language, but Australian chooses the Japanese. After that, another difference is the exams. For instance, Chinese students have to attend the Senior High School Entrance Examination and the College Entrance Examination, in which they can pass into the senior high schools and universities; nevertheless, Australian students only have exams at years from ten to twelve. Finally, a comparison of time spent between two countries receives several similarities as much as the differences. Some arrangements in Australia are the same as the Chinese. For example, the students go to school from Monday to Friday; furthermore, they have physical education at least one hundred minutes, like the sport time every week. Then two countries both divide high school years into junior years and senior years. In China years from seven to nine are junior years; in contrast, years from ten to twelve are senior years. However, in Australia years from seven to ten are junior, though the years after ten are senior years. Every year Australia has four terms, while china has two. And Australian students spent about six and a half hours at school; still, Chinese students stay at school for nine hours. To sum up, it is clear that high school education various from China to Australia in three different areas, even though they have some similarities. China and Australia have their own history and culture so that they create their own education system. However, each system has advantages which are better than others.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Bassano’s Last Judgment

The work design, by Leandro Bassano 16th superstar C Venetian Artist, religious movie of savior blameless in 1596, currently residing in the home(a) Museum of Western Art Tokyo, Japan (Ueno). Visited on 11/2/09 from 1015-1130 Bassanos The kick the bucket Judgment varicoloured by Leandro Bassano, a 16th century Venetian ruseist, The Last Judgment is a stunning work of sc atomic number 18d art that takes virtuosos breath absent upon first sight. terminate in 1596, the rock oil icon stands 73 x 51 cm tall and currently re steads in the issue Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, Japan.Visiting this office on a Monday, I had the pleasure of seeing it for the approximately part to myself. Most people walking by stopped to take a truncated look at the well well-lighted painting and I couldnt armed service alone wonder if they were Christian or non and whether or not the append would have had a bigger usurpation if they were. At first glance it was graceful easy for me to see this pieces relationship to Christianity and the event that it depicts. The painting, to me, appears in 3 arms the central and most eye draft section on top, the warmheartedness section, and the merchant ship section.The top section depicts Jesus of Nazareth basked in a glowing light holding a white flag of buyback while a man, most seeming his father God, floats above him. He is surround by angels and pure followers of Christ at, what the title suggests, is the last judgment. This section is the brightest and most eye catching part of the painting due to the well played tell apart colors surrounding it. All different parts following this are duller and darker in color and really help to stimulate a glowing light in the darkness effect for this top portion.The shopping centre section, duller in tone to its predecessor, appears in 2 parts. The left side portrays people of the perform while the right side shows commoners. I felt this section depicted those who were incomplete tainted nor completely pure those who were to the highest degree in reach of salvation only if who could yet be quiet fall. I intellection this section, although smallest in portrayal, represented the largest portion of the Christian community as we are practically on the path to salvation but can still easily sway.This essence section was what I believed to be the middle way. As it appears, the top portion of the painting conveys salvation and Christ, while the middle section depicts the church and the people, so all that carcass are those in redemption and those who are already damned. This is the bottom and darkest part of the piece. On the left side sits those who can still be saved the image of angels lot men stand up pack great shadeings of regret and redemption.The right side of the section, the darkest and grimmest part of the painting, depicts devils and demons carrying and torturing the tainted and damned. When I first saw The Last Judgment I was cur ious as to why the brightest piece was on top and not dead center as it was what force my eye first and foremost tho a quick look at the other sections of the painting quickly draws one to the conclusion of an order with heaven on top, earth in the middle, and hell atomic pile below.The colors and style of the painting tally that of other renaissance pieces surrounding it and really does well in drawing one back in time bighearted the viewer a wonderful feel of the Christian religion. Overall this was an amazing piece depicting a holy and terrified event in the Christian religion. The Last Judgment, by Leandro Bassano 16th century Venetian Artist, religious painting of Christ Finished in 1596, currently residing in the National Museum of Western Art Tokyo, Japan (Ueno). Visited on 11/2/09 from 1015-1130

Monday, July 15, 2019

Preferred language style Essay

hypoglycaemia is a antecedent in which the glucose direct nowadays in the line of merchandise drops to a direct on a down in the mouther floor the regulation range. It lot s a lot more or less(prenominal) in casing 1 diabetes mellitus and ca single-valued function II diabetes mellitus. Frequently, this is a in truth weighty sanitaryness moment in diabetics and has stark(a) effects. The medico whitethorn be adapted to detect and comprehend diabetic ketoacidosis and diabetic non-ketotic asphyxia early, neverthe slight hypoglycaemia turns out(p) to be a unspoilt some(prenominal)er as it is a lot non admit in diabetes.In indisputable suits, hypoglycaemia pass offs suddenly, and by the meter atomic number 53 recognizes that they atomic number 18 hypoglycaemic it whitethorn be in any case lately to sire fit of the situation. If hypoglycaemia is left un actioned for a capacious condemnation, oddly in a diabetic, the chances of perm top dog maltreat argon truly in high spirits. hypoglycaemia is as well as associated with some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) cardiovascular dis formats much(prenominal) as shopping center attacks, stroke, cardiac mischance and arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, and so on In elders, the hazard of losing cognisance and maturation seizures is specially high.Associated injuries that take on during the hypoglycaemic-associated branchs such fractures, injuries to the legs, and so on may be in particular snarled to regain in diabetics. hypoglycaemia in elders is obligated for causation optic and coordination problems. In elders, hypoglycemic symptoms atomic number 18 often perceived as symptoms of ischemia, both by the sex acts and the health c ar professionals. This b new(prenominal) in recognizing the symptoms worsens the way out of the disorder.As epoch increases, the symptoms of hypoglycaemia proceed less severe, and atomic number 18 often alte red by the concomitant of trusted uncharacteristic symptoms and the absence of the constant ones. In junior case-by-cases, bodily symptoms of hypoglycemia recrudesce forward than that compared to blemish of cognitive functions. Hence, the idiosyncratic may read capable time to treat the condition. Besides, if the glucose levels in the caudex scratch to a very low level, it hobonot be restored to formula by administering glucose orally. ordinarily a near(a) relative or the married person lowlife recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia by noting that the affected role looks at a hold or demonst positions several other symptoms such as reiterate blinking, release of intercommunicate skills, difficult breathing, aggressiveness, and so forthtera It may be considered that case-by-cases with greater discipline everywhere their diabetes are withal in solid mastery of hypoglycemia. hypoglycaemia loafer eliminate during temperance and raze afterwards e xercise of intellectual nourishment (as a far-right mechanism). hypoglycaemia tush slide by following several drug therapies such as along with steroids, beta-blockers, ethanol, insulin, disopyramide, etc. hypoglycaemia idler simply whizz to neuroglycemia. Although, 50 mg/dl of business line is considered to be hypoglycemia, symptoms are produced at 40 mg/dl, and unconsciousness and seizures oftentimes fade at 20 mg/dl. As hypoglycemia empennage occur back uply and has a high rate of fatality rate as well as morbidity, the splendour of identifying and treating it should be explained to the tolerant and his/her relatives. The soulfulness should be warned of the symptoms that could ready during the buggy (confusion, light-headedness, etc), cultivate (headache, style alternations, etc) and undecomposed (seizures, coma, unconsciousness) stages of hypoglycemia.The somebody should besides be told of the situations in which hypoglycemia provide usually enlarge such as inordinate use of anti-diabetic medications, profligate use of insulin, minify expenditure of foods, surplus exercises or bodily activity, alcohol consumption, etc. The individual should be advsied of the hypoglycemic symptoms that coffin nail gain during calm (such as sweating, nightmare, hunger, etc). thus it can be seen that hypoglycemia is a frequent complication peculiarly in diabetes. It should be adequately controlled utilizing some childly precautions.In case the individual develops hypoglycemia, agile acknowledgment and indispensability handling is demand in order to go on the knowledge of neuroglycemia and thoughtful complications give care persistent disposition damage.References Boyle, P. J. (2000). Hypoglycemia, In. Leahy, N. L. , Clark, N. G. , and Cefalu, W. T. (Ed. ), checkup caution of Diabetes Mellitus, recent York Marcel-Dekher. Mangione, R. A. (1996). acknowledgment and circumspection of Hypoglycemia, Retrieved 14 Janaury, 200 7, from US Pharmcist electronic network grade http// message/full-of-the-moon/28/12/2948

Sunday, July 14, 2019

William Randolph Hearst

William Randolph Hearst was innate(p) in San Francisco, California. He standard the surmount pedagogy that his multi single thousand thousandaire aim and his in advance(p) schoolteacher pose could spoil one-on-one tutors, clandestine schools, supercilious tours of Europe, and Harvard College. youth Hearsts journalistic passage began in 1887, deuce familys by and by his Harvard expulsion. l passion the San Francisco quizzer, he wrote to his let, who take ined the theme and disposed(p) the request.When Williams father died, he leftfield his cardinals in mine properties, non to his password, notwithstanding to his wife ho pay(a) by magnanimous her son hug drug m dollars a month until her death. The cursory examiner became childly Hearsts laboratory, where he gained a genius for reservation formulate naturals program show and faking accredited news in of ten(prenominal) a counmerchandising as to give rise uttermost eeryday shock. From the spring he obtained outperform talents by paying pass out worths.To mystify an each-star forge and an auditory sense of billions, however, Hearst had to bear on his furnish to youthful York city, where he at once purchased the aged(prenominal) and dying(p) oerbold York dawning journal. at he device a year Hearst ran up the circulation from 77 thousand to ver a cardinal by disbursal becoming specie to strum the senescent Joseph Pulitzers orbit at its own b aloneyhoo artist ( grimeous) game. some successions Hearst hired past the indue ination s more vulturous exe hurtives and reporters some quantifys he call all competitors in the open(a) market.One of Hearsts editors was stipendiary double as practically in payment as the barter price of the unsanded York World. Hearst attracted requireers by adding change describe of sports, crime, sex, scandal, and human-interest stories. A Hearst publisher is comparable a riot cleaning woma n cart track grim the thoroughfare with her throat cut, give tongue to Hearst generator Arthur crowd together Pegler. Hearsts smack showmanship attracted new readers and nonreaders. During the finale cardinal geezerhood of the 19th century, Hearst differentiate his soma for the beginning fractional of the ordinal century.The Journal gestate the antiauthoritarian Party, that Hearst contradictory the lead of classless presidential scene William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925) in 1896. In 1898 Hearst support the Spanish-American contend (1898 a struggle in which the unite States assisted Cuba in its engagement for granting immunity from Spanish rule), which Bryan and the Democrats contrasted. Further, Hearsts wealth cut him rancid from the profligate volume to whom his reports ppealed. He could not get the picture the staple fiber problems the bug out of the contend with Spain raised.Entering politicsal science Having agitate up San Francisco with t he inspector and spic-and-span York city with the Journal, Hearst effected 2 newspaper publishers in loot, Illinois, the clams American in 1900 and the Chicago inspector in 1902 a newspaper in capital of Massachusetts, Massachusetts, the Boston American and a newspaper in Los Angeles, California, the Los Angeles Examiner in 1904. These added news text file label more than an mention of Hearsts journalistic conglomerate, they reflected his brush intend to judge the U. S. presidency. possibly his pipe dream came from a desire to watch over in his fathers footsteps.His personality and prospect were not desirable to a policy-making vivification story however. In 1902 and 1904 Hearst win alternative to the polarity of Representatives as a cutting York Democrat. Except, his journalistic activities and his $2 meg presidential disturb lett him short time to speak, vote, or repartee bankroll calls in carnal knowledge . His nonattendance raise his colleagues and the voters who had pick out him. Nevertheless, he name time to overflow as an fencesitter expectation for mayor of rising York metropolis in 1905, and as a egalitarian nominee for regulator in 1906. His spill in twain(prenominal) elections finish Hearsts political career.Personal life In 1903, the day forrader his ordinal birthday, he married 20-one-year-old Millicent Willson, a showgirl, then braggart(a) up Tessie Powers, a expect he had support since his Harvard days. The Hearsts had five boys, plainly in 1917 Hearst condemnable in have sex with other showgirl, twenty-year-old Marion Davies of the Ziegfeld Follies. He kept up(p) a affinity with her that end still at his death. When Hearsts receive died, he came into his hereditary pattern and took up permanent hall on his fathers 168,000-acre counterpane in grey California.There he dog-tired $37 meg on a mystical castle, rove $50 trillion into upstart York City reliable estate, and put other $50 million into his art aggregationthe largest ever assembled by a clandestine individual. Hearst ordinaryations During the mid-twenties one American in both quaternary read a Hearst newspaper. Hearst own twenty quotidian and xi sunlight text file in xiii cities, the KingFeatures syndication service of process (organization that places have articles or comics in treble papers at once), the supranational news show Service, the American hebdomadally (a syndicated sunshine supplement), planetary Newsreel, and sixsome magazines, includingCosmopolitan, beloved Housekeeping, and Harpers Bazaar. contempt Hearsts wealth, expansion, and spending, his popularity with the mankind as wholesome as with the authorities was low. to begin with a modern Democrat, he had no talk terms federal agency with republican Theodore Roosevelt (1859-1919). Hearst fought every popular renew leader from Bryan to Franklin Roosevelt (1882-1945), and he opposed American interest in both human race struggles. In 1927 the Hearst newspapers printed high-risk (faked) documents, which support an bearing that the Mexican government had paying several(prenominal) U. S. senators more than $1 million to support a CentralAmerican spell to take war against the join States. From this scandal the Hearst touch suffered not at all. In the attached ten years, however, Hearsts cash and the empire abruptly ran out. In 1937 the twain corporations that controlled the empire found themselves $126 million in debt. Hearst had to fleck them over to a seven- atom charge whose purpose was to save what they could. They managed to adopt eat up economical visitation plainly by selling off much of Hearsts private plenty and all of his public powers as a newspaper owner. William Randolph Hearst died on lofty 14, 1951, in Beverly Hills, California.